2023 Member Survey

We are building our new schedule for 2023 and would like to know which of our courses and exercise classes you would be interested in attending. We are also keen to find out where you would be prepared to travel to for face to face courses and classes, and what days and times suit you.

Thanks for filling this in – we want to make sure that our program is accessible to as many people as possible.

We are constrained by our funding and venue availability, but as we rebuild following the COVID lockdowns, we will attract more sponsorship and grant funding, giving us more options and locations for our courses and classes for you.

If you are interested in attending a course or supported exercise class in 2023, please indicate your interest by ticking the box beside the name of the class and providing us with the times you could attend this course and whether you would be prepared to attend in person and/or online.

Please tick all boxes that interest you and let us know when you are available to attend.

Supported Exercise Classes

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Thank You

We may want to contact you to discuss your responses. If you are happy for us to do so, please enter your name and contact details below.

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We will be sending out updates to our timetables as soon as we have some dates set. Your input here is really valuable - thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Keep checking the website calendar home pages for updates.

If you have any questions in the meantime, drop us an email at info@moodactive.org.au or call us on 0412 190 842.